Fruity Summer Dinner: Fig Salad, Avocado Potato Salad, and Fruity BBQ’d Tofu

It’s a rainy day in Vancouver which made me inspired to make a bright, sunny dinner. I started with a fruity salad with sliced fig, avocado, butter lettuce, white peaches, and nectarine drizzled with a fig vinaigrette.

I then felt the need to go big with bright, fruity and summery- partly because I was on a roll and partly because someone was asking me when my next post was going to be. (Here you go DL!)

I fried up some sliced tofu with BBQ sauce and served with a slice of pineapple, slightly over-steamed Bok Choy (oops), and cubed nectarines.

A summer dinner really isn’t complete without salted and buttered corn on the cob:

Finally, I found this recipe for vegan potato salad and adjusted it because of the ingredients I had in the fridge:

  • 2 large nugget potatoes (chopped and steamed)
  • 1 avocado mixed with the juice of half a lime, a dash of salt, a cubed tomato, sliced white onion, one spoonful of veganaise, a dash of cayenne pepper, and I chopped up the centre stem of some of the leftover butter lettuce for some crunch

It’s basically baked potatoes with guacamole sauce and it was great!
I really thought that having a fruity dinner would be light and filling but having three servings of everything with two glasses of red wine didn’t leave me feeling light and energized. So I’m now working on my third glass since I’m already in stretchy pants.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. LB says:

    fat pants?! my fav! that looked delicious, looking forward to girls dinner night!

    1. LindsayODonnell says:

      Me too!

  2. haha, go the stretchy pants, girl! I loved this whole menu – there should be more fruit (and wine) in every meal! 🙂

    1. LindsayODonnell says:

      Thanks! Fat pants are like the ultimate dessert for any meal.

  3. HOly crap…..this post is making me so hungry!!!!

    1. LindsayODonnell says:

      Thanks! I took the picture very quickly before scarfing it down!

  4. Alaine @ My GF & DF Living says:

    I love the idea of a potato salad style guac! It doesn’t get much better than that. Looks delicious!

    1. LindsayODonnell says:

      Thank you! Avocados tend to make any dish better!

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