Mint Roasted Pepper Pasta with Pistachios

My life exists almost exclusively in two rooms right now; my kitchen and wherever my laptop is (which is usually in the kitchen too). My bake sale has been keeping me busy early in the morning and during the night, plus I’m selling cookies at a craft fair this week, and Piquant Marketing is still…

Vegan Ravioli with a Pasta Machine

I’m 32 weeks into pregnancy and I’m starting to visualize labour, do the last of my pregnancy & baby reading, and prepare for 6 months off work. One thing I decided to do was create a playlist for when I’m in labour. I’m told that I will be in too much pain to listen to…

Vegan Carb Heaven

Since getting pregnant I haven’t cared too much about carbs…haha that was a joke. I never cared about carbs. Doesn’t red wine break down carbs for you? I’m pretty sure it’s basic science. I came home from work the other day and piled up whatever I had left in the kitchen to try and figure…

Homemade Vegan Pasta

Last year was the year of bread for me. I dedicated 2013 to becoming a master of bread. That did not happen. It takes more than a year to become a master of something, sorry. My bread journey will continue and I definitely learned alot and have a few bread recipes in my pocket in…

Vegan Cannelloni

I had been holding onto this recipe for veggie cannelloni for a while but it wasn’t vegan and it wasn’t even close to healthy but there recently came a time when I didn’t want healthy. Something to do with the cold weather, wearing long johns under your clothes, and wearing pants with an elastic waist…

Smoked Tomato Pasta for the lazy

I know. It’s been like two weeks since I posted and this photo looks a lot like my last dish. But hear me out! Ok, I’m working long hours, I’m pregnant, I shot myself in the hand with a staple gun today, and this is on TV: It’s no excuse. I owe it to my…

Vegan Mac & Cheese

Soooooooo….ahem…..notice anything new? Yep, I got a makeover! If you’re reading this post from your email because you’re awesome and you get my posts delivered to your email inbox then I encourage you to head over to my home site: to see my sassy new look. I haven’t been feeling too creative lately just…

Vegan Beef Stroganoff

Autumn seems to be coming early this year, THANK GOD. I know that most people in Vancouver would kill me for saying that but they don’t have to live in my apartment. Plus Fall is my favorite time of year; that cool crisp wind, sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and coloured leaves. I have a movie…

Raw ‘Pasta’ with Peach & Watermelon Salsa

Is it just me or is this summer going by at warp speed? Good lord it’s a blur. I know it’s sacrilegious to say something like this in Vancouver (because we literally live through rain 9 months of the year) but I’m started to pine for the calmer, cooler days of autumn. Have I mentioned…

Centre Stage Parsley Pesto Pasta

Parsley really doesn’t get the love it should. It seems because there are so many ‘sexier’ options that it is often regulated to the sidelines. It’s like Solange who isn’t given enough credit because her big sister is Beyonce. Well you know what!?! Solange is actually pretty great and talented, and tasty. Ok, so that…

Lemon Artichoke Pasta

I had a pretty long week so I was pretty excited to come home, crack a bottle of wine, try this recipe I found on my Whole Foods Market app, and enjoy an episode of my new favorite show (Ghost Adventures) before heading out. Anyways…wait…what? You haven’t seen Ghost Adventures? Well let me say in…

Fava Bean Tops

What’s the verdict on calling yourself a ‘Foodie’? Is it the same thing as declaring yourself a Liberal or is it more obnoxious like calling yourself ‘mysterious’ or ‘aloof’? Is it one of those things that is perfectly acceptable to have other people describe you as but an eye roll to say that you are…